I’m not eligible for the fancy drug trials in Santa Monica right away, which means we’ll be starting treatment with two of the classics, cisplatin and doxorubicin, this coming week at USC’s Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center. It is MUCH closer, which is pretty great, considering how much pain it put me in just to DRIVE all the way to Santa Monica.
The unfortunate part is that, although we all agree that I’m going to get my port in on 10/3, and start the chemo on 10/4, I won’t know my actual schedule until Monday evening. I put in placeholders on the volunteer site if you’re available for driving, and can give you more detail as we get closer. (The only day Mark CAN’T drive me is Thursday.) Also, anybody looking to pick Sarah up, due to the uncertainty of when the chemo ends, you’ll have to be prepared to hold onto her for some part of the evening. https://my.lotsahelpinghands.com/com…/frey-friends/calendar…
In interesting news, this means, in addition to Dr. Chawla, I’ll be assigned another oncologist from Norris – a certain Dr. ‘Hu’.
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