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Category: Music


This catastrophic breakup song is inspired in part by NK Jemisin’s scfifi/fantasy Broken Earth series. Loved it! Also, Mark’s got a skeletal backing track already, so this one might make it into full song form.


This is the last time we almost kiss

Before the tension all goes slack

A final moment of ignorant bliss

Before the test results get back


Accidents or deliberate stings

Falls and breaks, painful things

The passing of time isn’t always benign


This is the last time the peace talks falter

Before we release the bomb

And it’s the last time we enjoy the spring rain

Before the storm is the calm



That crack in the earth will never close again

The end’s passed by already.

What you feel now are the aftershocks



This is the last time I’ll speak with you

Before everything we say is wrong

It’s the last time we’ll play this tune

Before the end of the song

Musember Rules

In the vein of Inktober and NaNoWriMo, here are your guidelines for a Musical December:

1. Do something musical everyday for 15 minutes. Practicing an instrument, singing, recording, writing lyrics, researching your favorite singer/songwriters to create the most amazing playlist ever, etc. This level is for everyone, whether they think of themselves as a musician or not. If you’re wondering whether something counts as musical, then it does.

2. Record something once a week. Could be an original, cover, you, someone else. You don’t have to keep it or share it, but you have to do it.

3. Perform live in front of other people at least once.

4. Write and record an original piece of music.

As a bonus, it would be nice for people to do a piece of winter holiday music to share. (It doesn’t have to be wintery or holiday-themed, if you’re inspired by something else.)

Recovery Soundtrack

Cancer party soundtrack should include PF’s Comfortably Numb and CTD’s Afternoons and Coffeespoons. What else?


AC/DC Back in Black comes to mind

 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds? A little trippy to go along with your pain patch trip.
The Firm – Radioactive
Green Day’s “Do You Know Your Enemy”
 gloria gaynor”s ‘i will survive’
rachel platten ‘this is my fight song
‘Hit Me with Your Best Shot”,, Rocky theme song,
Hotel California of course
 “Beat It” by MJ
the Beatles ‘Here Comes the Sun’
Invincible – Pat Benetar
Take the Skinheads Bowling
Beer (the one by Real Big Phish)
I’ll get by with a little help from my friends
Burning Down the House
Hit me w ith your best shot, I’m a survivor, we are the champions